After much discussion and debate, the Village of Kaslo has voted down the South Beach RV Park proposal at last night’s council meeting.
“Council had some really good discussion, and some members of council got to put forward some of their concerns and things that they would like addressed in any future proposals but essentially the resolution was not to support the project as it was currently proposed by the developer.” said Hewat.
All councillors supported the motion, except Councillor Rob Lang.
So, whats next?
Hewat says the sale of the land proposed for the development has been placed on hold while council staff go back to the developer.
“Staff will bring back the zoning amendment by-law for council to consider at the next meeting and how we would deal with that.” said Hewat.
Meanwhile, the rejection still leaves the door open for negotiations.
“In my view it does allow us for negotiations it all depends on what the developer does with the information.”
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