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Kootenay-Central Conservative Candidate Kelly Vandenberghe

As the provincial election grows near, get to know your local BC Conservative candidate for Kootenay-Central: Kelly Vandenberghe.

Who is Kelly Vandenberghe?

Kelly Vandenberghe’s experience is extensive.

A former elected official in Alberta, he is the current Area Director for Electoral Area C in the Regional District of Central Kootenay and has a background in entrepreneurship, oil and gas, and management.

He is an accredited installer of solar photovoltaic cells and private sewage systems, which he also designs, in addition to his experience as a fundraising auctioneer, firefighter, and raising animals on a small farm.

After spending ten years in the oil and gas sector and another twenty-five years with a well-known heavy equipment auction company, Kelly and his wife decided to move to the Creston Valley.

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Moving to the valley was motivated by his wife’s desire, who had recently completed a successful battle with cancer.

“We decided that a lifestyle change in Crescent Valley was best for us. This was an important family decision.”

A fiscal conservative by nature, Kelly says he decided to run with the BC Conservatives because no one else was able to offer the conservative values and choice for the Kootenay-Central riding.

“I thought it was important that someone did, and so I did. Truth and integrity are the principles that I operate on and live by. I am stepping up to offer your riding a choice to make a change under the common-sense policies of the Conservative Party of BC. I have a proven track record and diverse skill set to deliver as your MLA for your riding.”

The Issues

In Kelly’s perspective, the core issues in the Kootenay-Central riding can be summed up in three words: health, prosperity, and freedom.

He says he and his party are committed to developing and delivering policies that support the growth of the agriculture sector, retention in the healthcare sector, saving BC forestry, and increasing job creation.

Healthcare, Housing, Forestry, and Agriculture

The Conservative Party platform proposes a “patient-first model” to provide universal healthcare for everyone under a single-payer system that delivers through both public and non-government healthcare facilities.

Kelly elaborated that this model would involve rehiring thousands of healthcare workers, stopping emergency room closures, protecting and supporting frontline staff, and reducing administrative burdens and healthcare services performance reviews.

His approach to improving the forestry and mining sectors involves a commitment to permitting reform, competitiveness core, landscape and wildlife management reviews, enhancements to biodiversity and fibre value, promoting critical mineral development, and ensuring “you build it, you clean it” is implemented in the industries.

He added that he and his party are dedicated to restoring dignity and care for the region’s elderly, and that a conservative government would see less involvement from government in private sector job creation.

“Government is an inefficient delivery vehicle for service, and its growth is cannibalizing private sector job creation. Conservative leadership will see smaller government, removing unnecessary regulations for small business and offering rebate relief to renters and homeowners.

It will also include a review of fuel gas taxes, increased housing supply, a crackdown on illegal money laundering, and an escalated program for daycare spaces and related costs.”

Final Words

As a conservative candidate, Kelly can represent and achieve the change he says is sweeping across the province.

He understands the unique needs of his riding and has the skill set to tackle the region’s concerns with integrity and accountability.

“People should choose Kelly Vandenberghe to serve as your MLA, as I have the skill sets and tenacity to represent Kootenay-Central’s challenges and needs at the caucus table with accountability and integrity.

I think it’s fair to say there is a wave of change in the air across Canada and British Columbia. It’s time to catch that wave and make the change.”

The election will be held on October 19.

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