Seventy-six percent of residents in Fairview have now been equipped with a FoodCycler through the City of Nelson’s Organic Food Waste Diversion pilot, which aims to ease household waste management and reduce the amount of organics in the local waste stream.
Fairview was chosen as the pilot neighbourhood for the three-year program, which officially launched in October.
The city received federal funding to expand the program in June 2023.
A media release from the City stated that since October, 709 of the 928 eligible homes have received the appliance, with the remaining 219 FoodCyclers now up for grabs for residents in all neighbourhoods.
A third-party waste management consultant has been brought on to gather data and evaluate the program’s success.
While data collection is a joint effort between City staff and the consultant, the consultant will independently analyze the data, with the results helping to develop the program’s next steps.
Nelson City Council will determine the success and future of the program this summer after reviewing the data gathered by the consultant.
“As stewards of our environment and community, the diversion results will be a key factor in our decision-making process,” says Mayor Janice Morrison.
“This comprehensive evaluation of the FoodCycler program will provide valuable insights to determine the next steps toward implementing a city-wide program.”
Emily Mask, Climate Programs Coordinator, said that residents who’ve been involved in the pilot so far have provided positive feedback.
“Our residents are overwhelmingly satisfied with the program. Upon receiving their units, participants often express appreciation for the service. Even those less inclined toward climate action recognize the benefits of the FoodCycler in simplifying waste management at home and protecting wildlife. We are excited to see the upcoming evaluation results.”
The remaining units will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis. Anyone who is interested can sign up on the City of Nelson’s website.
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