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HomeNewsTwo projects in the West Kootenay set to tackle plastic waste

Two projects in the West Kootenay set to tackle plastic waste

Two projects out of the nine selected from the province of B.C. that are getting funding to put towards tackling plastic waste are in the West Kootenay.

“We all know we need to do more to create a truly circular economy, and I’m really excited to see that happening right here in the Kootenays,” said MLA Katrine Conroy. “These grants will keep plastics out of landfills, instead turning them into useful products, and create good local jobs that we can all be proud of.”

K-C Recycling in Trail is set to receive $852,997 and another $14,000 is going to the Kootenay Outdoor and Environmental Learning Society (KOELS) in Rossland.

According to K-C Recycling, they will be upgrading their plant which takes the plastic waste casings off of old lead-acid car batteries and manufactures new batteries out of them.

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KOELS will begin to process hard to recycle plastics, like fridge inserts, and produce goods that the local ski community can use. The society said they will also have an education and demonstration centre to showcase circular solutions to other communities.

The funding is in part of the $5 million being invested into the nine projects around the province in part of the CleanBC Plastics Action Plan. The nine projects were chosen based on their ability to increase processing capacity, supporting post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic products research, design, and testing, and the ability to increase the use of PCR plastic in manufacturing. These funded projects are expected to recycle over 20,000 tonnes of plastic per year.

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