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HomeNewsKootenay NewsLocal groups wants MLA Mungall to address fossil fuel sector supports

Local groups wants MLA Mungall to address fossil fuel sector supports

The Citizens’ Climate Lobby Nelson-West Kootenay Chapter is asking MLA Michelle Mungall to develop a plan to phase out supports for the fossil fuel sector. Financial supports could then be used to help communities reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change. Laura Sacks is a member with the Citizens’ Climate Lobby who are asking Nelson City Council to consider writing a letter.

“We’re focusing this right now on the Nelson-Creston riding because our MLA is the minister, but we have a petition going out that is province-wide and we’ll probably move this province-wide.”

MLA Mungall is the Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. Other municipalities and Chambers of Commerce in the riding have been approached, including the Village of Kaslo, Kaslo Chamber, and Kootenay Lake Chamber.

Sacks added part of the goal is holding Mungall accountable to her election promises. Although there are great initiatives coming out of the CleanBC Plan, other policies aren’t in line with that direction.

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“The current plan right now in BC is to grow the fracked gas and LNG industry and increase emissions in that area while our communities have to reduce their emissions even more drastically to make up for that,” explained Sacks.

She described MLA Mungall as doing a 180 flip in some areas.

“A lot of people in the community are really concerned about that, so I think it is important that she hear from us, that she hears from constituents.”

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