The City of Nelson will be developing new bylaws as the legalization of cannabis approaches. One of the regulations the City is looking at includes a cap on the number of dispensaries allowed. The public consultation process found 75 per cent of respondents supported this idea. The favoured number included two in the downtown, one in Railtown, and one along Nelson Avenue/Highway 3A, for a total of four.
Not all agree that the cap would be a good thing, however. Brent Raby is a longtime cannabis business proponent and part of the Nelson Cannabis Let’s Get it Right group who don’t want to see a limit imposed on the number of dispensaries allowed.
The Senior Citizens Association was another stakeholder group that was against the cap.
Raby is also hoping to open a cafe once cannabis is legalized and the Province moves to allow them. He hopes to seem more options for business licenses as there is with the sale of alcohol.
Residents will be able to attend an open house hosted by the City of Nelson at the Adventure Hotel on May first, which will outline some possible bylaw options for cannabis regulation.
You can also find the results from the public consultation process and stakeholder groups on the City’s website.