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HomeNewsKootenay NewsRDCK Passes 2018 Budget

RDCK Passes 2018 Budget

The Regional District of Central Kootenay’s budget has been passed for 2018.

Fire fighter remuneration caused some larger increases.

The Slocan Valley’s increase was one of the biggest and amounts to roughly $133 on a $350,000 home per year.

Area H Director Walter Popoff says this is because there’s four fire halls in the Slocan Valley and new fire trucks are needed as well.

Popoff  feels it’s a very valuable service to invest in.

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Popoff says volunteer firefighters will get paid an hourly rate that’s slightly higher than minimum wage for training and on call hours.

Other areas impacted include Tarry’s and Passcreek, Blewett, Beasley, the Northshore, and Balfour/Harrop.

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