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RDCK releases Nelson Recreation Campus survey results

Phase three of the Nelson Community Recreation Campus public engagement project has commenced, with the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) releasing the results of two surveys launched last year. 

With aging facilities, the RDCK and the City of Nelson have been gathering community input on the best recreational uses for the Community Recreation Campus, considering both its current facilities and potential future developments. 

Phase one launched in November with a series of community meetings. Following these meetings, two surveys were introduced as part of phase two—one for residents and one for community user groups. 

Phase three began on March 25, with the RDCK and the City of Nelson sharing the engagement findings with the community. 

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Resident Survey Results 

The resident survey was open from November 27 to January 8 and gathered 2,035 responses from residents of Nelson, Electoral Area F, Defined Area E, and other regions. 

Respondents were grouped into the following areas: 

  • City of Nelson residents – Residents whose taxation supports RDCK- and City of Nelson-owned and operated recreation facilities in the Community Recreation Campus. 
  • Defined Area E – Includes portions of Area E that pay taxes for RDCK-owned and operated facilities in the Community Recreation Campus. This area includes the communities of Bealby/Horlicks, Blewett, Granite Road, Mountain Station, and rural Nelson as far as Cottonwood Lake. 
  • Area F – Includes the communities of Beasley, Bonnington Falls, Crescent Bay, North Shore to Kokanee Creek, Taghum, and Willow Point. 
  • Other – Portions of Area E that do not pay taxes for RDCK facilities in the Community Recreation Campus, including the communities of Balfour, Harrop, Longbeach, Procter, Queens Bay, and Sunshine Bay. 

Of the 2,035 respondents in the resident survey: 

  • 61 per cent were from Nelson 
  • 10 per cent were from Defined Area E 
  • 17 per cent were from Area F 
  • 7 per cent lived in other areas 

Half of the respondents were aged 30–49. Additionally, 52 per cent said they were a member or volunteer of a recreation club or group, with soccer being the most frequently mentioned club. 

Community Recreation Campus & NDCC Utilization  

Respondents were asked how frequently they use or visit each of the different amenities at the NDCC annually. 

Over three-quarters of respondents in each area said they used the aquatic centre the most, followed by hockey, spectating, and walking. 

Utilization of the fitness centre is relatively consistent throughout all four respondent areas, with one-fifth of Nelson respondents indicating they use it daily. 

Meanwhile, use of the multipurpose rooms is much lower than that of other amenities at the NDCC, with most usage limited to a few times per year or less. 

Civic Centre 

Respondents were also asked how often they use the amenities at the Nelson Civic Centre annually. Half said they use the Civic Arena, with hockey being the main reason, followed by skating and spectating. 

Nearly a quarter of respondents use the curling rink, with Nelson and Area F respondents using it daily to a greater extent than respondents from other areas. 

The indoor soccer facility is used daily more than any other amenity at the Civic Centre, with 27–35 per cent of respondents from each area saying they use it daily. 

A Future for the Community Recreation Campus 

Respondents were asked to identify the indoor recreation activities they currently participate in within the Nelson area at least a few times per year. 

Swimming was the most popular activity, followed by soccer, hockey, and fitness. 

To determine the unmet needs of respondents for participating in activities at the Community Recreation Campus, respondents were asked what indoor activities they would like to participate in but are unable to. 

About half of Nelson respondents said they would like to participate at the campus. Less than half of respondents from other areas said they would like to participate but are unable to due to a lack of available time in existing spaces or a lack of spaces altogether. 

Activities respondents said they’d like to participate in at the campus but are unable to include curling, pickleball, dance, basketball, and soccer. 

Potential Taxation 

Depending on decisions made in relation to the Community Recreation Campus, there may be a need to fund borrowing for enhancements or new amenities. 

While specific decisions about borrowing will be determined later, respondents provided insight into their willingness to pay additional property taxes to fund facility enhancements or new developments. 

Two-thirds of respondents from Nelson and Area F said they’d consider paying additional property taxes, along with 56 per cent of respondents from Defined Area E. 

Respondents from Nelson and Area F are more willing to pay higher amounts. 

Three-quarters of Nelson respondents and those in Defined Area E said they’d be willing to pay at least $25–$99 to fund facility enhancements or new developments on the campus, while 76 per cent of Area F respondents said the same. 

The Affordable Housing Project 

The final section of the questionnaire focused on the affordable housing project proposed by Nelson Cares for the vacant lots at the corner of Cedar and Front Street. 

The RDCK Board and the City of Nelson offered letters of support for Nelson Cares to explore the option of an affordable housing project, with the inclusion of 5,000–7,000 square feet of recreation space. 

Respondents were asked what use(s) they would like to see for the vacant lots at the corner of Cedar and Front Street, with the majority from all areas wanting the site used for recreation. 

Phase Three 

The Nelson & District Recreation Commission, along with the City of Nelson, will review the findings from engagement activities—including feedback gathered from the Phase 3 feedback form—to prepare a final summary report. 

Based on these findings, decisions will be made about the path forward, which could include maintaining existing facilities and amenities at the Community Recreation Campus. 

No new facility development will occur based on this engagement project; however, local governments may decide to undertake a more detailed study of potential enhancements to the Community Recreation Campus. 

You can read the full report here. 

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