March 1, 1995 Nelson Fresh Tracks Toastmasters Club (formerly Kokanee Speakeasy TM) were given their charter by Toastmasters International.
In 2024, Toastmasters International celebrated it’s 100th anniversary. In 2025 Nelson Fresh Tracks celebrates 30 years as a chartered club.
That is 30 years of supporting individuals to improve their communication and leadership skills through the educational programs of our international organization.
“The mission of a Toastmasters club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every individual member has the opportunity to develop oral communication and leadership skills, which in turn fosters self-confidence and personal growth”.
As a member you will learn how to write, rehearse and present speeches. You will learn how to speak ‘off the cuff’ or impromptu which is good practice for occasions like a job interview or a social situation.
Evaluation or constructive suggestions helps everyone grow, when you hear what was done well and what needs improvement in a presentation. As a guest you have the opportunity to see how a meeting is run, and you are welcome to attend 3 meetings before making a decision to join. There are dues which will be explained when you consider joining.
On March 27th everyone is invited to attend our meeting held at 518 Lake Street, room #104 to learn more about Toastmaster history and what Fresh Tracks is looking forward to. Former members are especially invited to visit.
“Our club is hybrid which means if you live in a surrounding community and cannot make the meeting in person, you are able to attend online. Contact us for online details through our VP Membership, Roberta at [email protected].”
Toastmasters International boasts a network of over 300,000 members in more than 15,800 clubs across 149 countries.
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