Nelson’s air cadets are bringing in the new year with new titles.
On January 15, the 561 Squadron Nelson Osprey Air Cadets received several ranking promotions, including the squadron’s Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Brittnee Wallin being promoted to the rank of Captain.
Captain Wallin has been the Commanding Officer of 561 since June 2024 and was promoted by the Zone Training Officer for the Kootenays, Captain Sherri Shaw.

At the same parade, cadets Grace Banman, Ewan Bruin, and Keenan Gagnon were promoted to the rank of Corporal.

Over the next several months there are many exciting activities planned for the cadets of 561. They will be attending a sports day in Castlegar, flying in both powered aircraft and gliders and attending an outdoor weekend.
The squadron welcomes new cadets the third Wednesday of each month. Cadets are between the ages of 12 and 18.
You can start your application at
The Cadet Program is open to all Canadian youth from the ages of 12 to 18 regardless of income, race, religion, culture or other socio-economic factors. The program embraces Canada’s multiculturalism and offers young Canadian’s opportunities to interact with youth from other cultures.
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