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Destination BC seeking industry input on sustainability and climate preparedness

Tourism businesses across the Kootenays and the province are invited to share their thoughts and practices on sustainability and climate preparedness.

Destination B.C. has launched its Tourism Climate Adaptation and Environmental Sustainability Survey to gather data directly from tourism businesses.

Kristy Jahn, Cranbrook Tourism Executive Director, says local tourism businesses are most heavily impacted by floods and wildfires, but the exact details are a significant blind spot.

“This is a knowledge base that we don’t entirely have. I think there could be some really interesting things going on that we’re just not aware of,” said Jahn.

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“We’re hoping the information they collect will help us get a better understanding of where people are at.”

Destination BC will use the data it collects to create a provincial baseline to monitor changes and progress across the industry.

The survey is open to any tourism-based business in B.C. that provides paid services to travellers, such as accommodations, food and beverage, transportation services, attractions and other tourism-related businesses.

If participation allows, Destination BC can produce customized regional or industry-specific reports.

Business owners and operators can access the survey here.

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