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HomeNewsNelson NewsUnion issues January 6 strike notice for Harrop and Glade ferries

Union issues January 6 strike notice for Harrop and Glade ferries

Strike notice for the Glade and Harrop ferries has gone out with job action commencing on Monday, January 6 at 5:00am.

At that time the B.C. General Employees Union (BCGEU) will begin following the requirements of an amended Essential Service Order issued by the B.C. Labour Relations Board.

The reduction in sailings mean Harrop Ferry will drop from a 24-7 service to eight round trip sailings a day and the Glade cable ferry will be dropped to 16 round trips daily, across two block periods:

  • 6:30am to 8am- four sailings per day
  • 4:00pm to 5:30pm- four sailings per day

In accordance with the BC Labour Relations Board Essential Services Order, the following groups may cross at the Glade and Harrop Ferry Terminals at any time:

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  • Children attending school
  • Ambulances
  • RCMP vehicles
  • Emergency dispatch services, including:
  • Ambulance
  • RCMP
  • Fire services
  • BC Hydro
  • Health professionals
  • Individuals attending regularly scheduled medical appointments
  • Individuals experiencing or responding to mental or physical health emergencies
  • Individuals requiring access for any other emergency purposes

For more information or to stay up to date with the strike notice, visit

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