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HomeNewsKootenay NewsBoundary, West Kootenay snowpacks surge above last years averages

Boundary, West Kootenay snowpacks surge above last years averages

Snowpack levels in the Kootenays are already significantly higher than they were last year.

Automated Snow Weather Stations (ASWS) in the Boundary at Grano Creek show that, as of January 1, levels are 144 per cent above average. On the same day last year, levels were measured at just 58 per cent of normal.

According to a report by the BC River Forecast Centre, the Boundary is one of three regions in the province reporting snowpack averages above 100 per cent, coming in behind Liard at 156 per cent and the Lower Fraser at 154 per cent.

Although the West Kootenay hasn’t seen as much snowfall as the Boundary, snowpack levels in the region are still higher than last year.

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Data from the seven Automated Snow Weather Stations in the West Kootenay show an average of 79 per cent as of January 1, 2025—a significant increase from 57 per cent at the same time last year.

Province-wide, the average snowpack level across all of BC’s ASWS is currently at 101 per cent, which is a notable increase from last year’s measurement of 56 per cent.

The full report can be found here. 

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