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Phase two launches for Nelson Recreation Campus project

Nelson and surrounding residents are invited to provide a more in-depth say on their experience and expectation of the future of the Nelson and District Recreation Campus.

Phase two of the engagement process is now underway, with a second survey launched this week.

“This is really important information for both the Regional District and the City of Nelson. As we start moving into planning for all kinds of different infrastructure needs for the services that we own and operate, but also can serve all kinds of information on how to best support recreation and sport in our area.” said Trisha Davison, Regional Manager of Recreation and Client Services at the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK).

“It is important that people do take some time and fill out the surveys when they are coming to them.”

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“The survey will be open until December 20th, so hopefully that is a lot of time for people to find a bit of time before the holidays to contribute their thoughts.”

Phase two comes of the back of initial community engagement events launched earlier this month.

Preliminary survey verse phase two survey

The preliminary survey, which involved two simple questions, was an opportunity for residents to get their initial thoughts on paper, however, its the new phase two survey that will gather details to help shape the project’s proposal.

“This survey is a more comprehensive resident survey and will go into all kinds of details related to the amenities that are on the Nelson and District Recreation Campus, what people use, how frequently they attend, talks about if there’s activities that people do now that maybe they either don’t have a space for or would like to see more space to support.” said Davison.

“It goes into all kinds of details so we can get an idea of who the people are, what it is they’re interested in, and maybe what is serving them well and maybe what is not at this point, to help give us some feedback from a resident perspective.”

The preliminary survey received 694 responses, broken down to 425 responses from Nelson residents, 155 from Area F and 28 from Area E undefined, and another 54 from Area A defined.

If you filled out the first survey, your work is not done yet.

“We want to make sure people know that if they did spend some time completing those one or two questions on that feedback form, that was not the survey that we want people to now fill out. This second one is different from that.”

A third survey to follow

The RDCK says there will be a third survey to follow from next week, aimed toward organize users of existing spaces as well as organizations that provide recreation support opportunities in this area of the district.

“This will come out separately and will be targeted.” said Davison.

“Its important for people to understand the difference between the resident one and the group survey, where that’s more centered around organizations and some challenges that they have or things that are working well for them in providing the activity that they might provide.”

Access the Phase Two survey here

You can access the phase two survey by clicking here, or hard copies of the survey are available at the Nelson District Recreation Complex during facility hours, as well as at several pop-up locations planned through out the city.

Nelson and District Recreation Complex: Friday 28th November, 12pm to 4pm
Kootenay Co-Op: Wednesday 4th December

“There will be RDCK staff available to help answer any questions or if people had some preliminary things they wanted to share, they certainly could do that with us there if they just wanted to pop in.” said Davison.

Final Community Meeting

The RDCK will host their final community engagement session tonight, November 28, at the Prestige Hotel from 6pm.

“This meeting will be a presentation different than what the first three community meetings were, where we go into a little bit more detail on some things that we know people have been asking a lot of questions about.” said Davison.

“We will talk about how the RDCK provides recreation space right now, what are our processes and how does that work. The City of Nelson will also provide their information because it is different than the regional district.”

“There’s lots of questions and uncertainty, or maybe confusion, around the proposed housing project on the vacant land that are associated with the Nelson Recreation Campus. And so, there’ll be an opportunity to learn a little bit more about that from the city of Nelson.”

“We encourage people to really pay attention to those opportunities, certainly reach out if they have questions, participate in any way that they can. And certainly, put pen to paper or fingers to keyboards and complete our information through the surveys as they come to you.”

You can find more information on the Nelson Community Recreation Campus project here.

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