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HomeNewsEducationChair Lang and Vice-Chair Bremner Re-Elected to SD8 Board of Education

Chair Lang and Vice-Chair Bremner Re-Elected to SD8 Board of Education

Chair Dawn Lang and Vice-Chair Julie Bremner were re-elected by acclamation to serve a second term in their leadership roles for the School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) Board of Education at the inaugural meeting of the Board held in public on November 12.

“I am honoured to serve another year as board chair. I will continue to work hard to make sure that all trustees’ perspectives are heard at our board table, and our focus remains squarely on the learning, cultural and career priorities set out in our strategic plan for the success and well-being of every student in our district,” said Chair Lang.

“It’s great to have the opportunity to continue to support education through good governance alongside Chair Lang, my fellow trustees and our education partners. I’m excited about the next year and communicating our board decisions and learning outcomes back to our communities,” said Vice-Chair Julie Bremner.

Other elections by acclamation to external committees included Trustee Susan Chew, Provincial Councilor for the B.C. School Trustees Association with Trustee Kathy Etheridge as alternate; Trustee Sharon Nazaroff, B.C. Public School Employers’ Association representative with Trustee Murray Shunter as alternate.

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The positions of chair and vice-chair in addition to external committee roles are elected annually by the Board of Education, and a total of nine trustees are elected every four years during General Local Elections in BC held every four years on the third Saturday in October. The SD8 Board of Education is entering the third year of a four-year term ending on October 17, 2026.

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