South Nelson Elementary School students traded in the classroom for the rail trail on Friday for the annual Terry Fox Run.
Principal Dawn Snell says the run is important because of its message around diversity.
“Terry Fox is a really compelling story that really resonates with a lot of students and it’s a really great way to have them talk about diversity.” said Ms Snell.
“Different kinds of people, different kinds of challenges people have and it’s really interesting to see how many students really connect with that. They know people who have struggled with things and they can make connections.”

The students enjoyed a 500m run/walk/stroll along Nelson’s rail trail, with many doing more than just one loop.
The Terry Fox Run is a staple in school across BC and we hope this is reminded you of when you participated in school.

If you would like to donate to the Terry Fox Foundation you can do so through the South Nelson Elementary School website.
“Our goal is $500 and we’re hoping to reach that goal but if other community members would like to contribute and help us, we would love that.” said Ms Snell.
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