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Gain confidence with Nelson’s Toastmasters

Want to improve your public speaking and gain confidence in life or your career?

Toastmaster is not for profit, educational organization that has been helping people become more comfortable with communication and leadership for 100 years.

Nelson Fresh Track Toastmasters has been a chartered member of the larger organization for nearly 30 years.

Next year this club will have been in the Nelson community for 30 years, holding meetings, hosting contests and supporting members as they move through the educational programs.

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The newest educational program is called Pathways and it helps members hone their speaking skills as well as building leadership capacity.

Pathways is an online and in meeting  program. Speeches and evaluations are best done in person. If you cannot make a meeting in person you can join us online via zoom.  With so many organizations hosting meetings online it is important to build those online skills as well.

The club meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month 7-830p.

Nelson are a hybrid club (you can attend online or in person). In person you get the experience of speaking in front of other members and guests so you become more comfortable. A club meeting has 4 main components: meeting roles like timer,  speeches, evaluations and Table Topics (impromptu speeches for up to 2 minutes, which are like training to do an interview or answer questions on the fly).

The new season of Toastmasters has started with their first meeting on September 12th.  We meet in person at 518 Lake Street (the Co-op building).

Membership is $192.00 for the year or paid in two portions ($96.00) before October 1st and April 1st.

Be a guest at the Sept 12th  meeting this month and put your name in a draw for a free 6 month membership. For more information please contact:  https://nelson.toastmastersclubs.org/

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