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HomeNewsProvincial NewsMay Long Weekend Wildfire Warning

May Long Weekend Wildfire Warning

While our counterparts up north, in and around Fort Nelson, continue to battle early season wildfires, it’s a timely reminder for all BC residents to be wildfire aware this May long weekend.

Minister for Emergency Management, Bowinn Ma, says early season fires are mostly caused by humans.

“Early on the season, most of the fire starts we see are human caused.” Said Minister Ma.

“Later on in the summer, as the weather conditions evolve, we do end up seeing very few human caused while fires starts and majority of those fires will be started through natural causes, but right now, especially as we enter into the May long weekend we really need people to pay attention to the fire bans that are in their region.”

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“Folks who are going out into the wilderness to go camping, we need people to pay extra care, pay extra attention, to make sure that their campfires are put out at the end.”

“Conditions are quite dry across the province; it is necessary for everybody who is enjoying the May long weekend throughout the province to be mindful of the possibility of fire starts.”

Meanwhile, Cliff Chapman, Director of BC Wildfire Service says not to let the warning stop your weekend fun.

“We want to have people enjoying beautiful British Columbia, you also become our eyes and ears in some of the remote areas, and you can call those fires.” said Mr Chapman.

“If you see something, please call it in. Even if you think it has already been called in.”

Currently, campfire prohibitions have not come into place, but that’s not to say they won’t.

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