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AKBLG convention wraps up in Radium Hot Springs

The 2024 Association of Kootenay and Boundary Local Governments (AKBLG) convention concluded on Sunday, giving local government officials a chance to network and learn from each other.

The event was held in Radium Hot Springs, with representation from all parts of the Kootenays.

Cranbrook Council member Lynnette Wray said it was a great learning opportunity.

“I think when you sign up for public office, it includes a commitment to be a life-long learner,” said Wray.

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“There’s always new information we can pick up and new skills that can help make us stronger representatives on behalf of our residents.”

The AKBLG is a collaborative body made up of municipal governments and the Regional Districts of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB), Central Kootenay (RDCK), East Kootenay (RDEK) and the Town of Golden and the Village of Valemount.

“It’s a great mix of municipalities and regional government folks,” said Wray.

“It’s a learning opportunity, but it’s also an exercise and example of grassroots democracy.”

The convention also gives local governments an opportunity to create, discuss and vote on resolutions to bring forward to the Union of BC Municipalities.

Wray attended the conference alongside Mayor Wayne Price, council members Wesly Graham, Ron Popoff and Wayne Stetski and CAO Mark Fercho.

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