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HomeNewsBC Hydro issues first call for more electricity in 15 years

BC Hydro issues first call for more electricity in 15 years

For the first time in 15 years, BC Hydro has issued a call for more power.

The provincial government says Hydro issued a request for 3,000 more gigawatts per year of electricity, making it their first in 15 years. If approved, it could power 270,000 homes or one million electric vehicles.

As efforts to fight climate change continue, Minister of Energy, mines, and low carbon innovation Josie Osborne says the need to switch to clean energy has never felt more urgent.

“That’s why we are working in collaboration with BC Hydro, First Nations and the independent power industry to generate more of the electricity that B.C. needs,” said Osborne.

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Along with powering up homes, there is also hope that the extra electricity could bring $2.3 to $3.6 billion in private capital spending across B.C. through developing energy projects.

The province says electricity demand is expected to go up by 15 percent between 2024 and 2030 because of population growth, housing construction, and having more homes and businesses switch to clean electricity.

BC Hydro says they will expect to make more calls for power in the future, with the next one to be issued in 2026.

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