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HomeNewsB.C. to help local governments meet new provincial regulations

B.C. to help local governments meet new provincial regulations

The B.C. government is doling out funds to help local governments adjust to new legislation aimed at creating more housing.

B.C. government officials said the legislation is aimed at improving the province’s housing supply.

“There is an urgent need for more homes for people, and we are working with local governments to build this housing faster,” said Ravi Kahlon, Minister of Housing. “With new housing actions to build homes in our communities, it is important that we support local governments to improve the processes to get the housing built that people in our community desperately need. By providing them with upfront funding, instead of distributing it over time, local governments will be able to support the building of more housing as quickly as possible.”

This comes after the provincial government recently passed legislation that included transit-oriented development and small-scale, multi-unit housing.

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Local governments will start getting grants on Thursday.

“The Province will provide $51 million in grant-based funding from Budget 2023 to all municipalities, regional districts and the Islands Trust – a total of 188 local governments – in British Columbia,” said B.C. officials. “This funding is intended to support local governments to meet the new legislated requirements.”

Money will be used to help local governments adjust to the new regulations.

“Local governments can use this funding to update housing needs reports, zoning bylaws, development cost charge and amenity cost charge bylaws, and community plans by hiring consultants and staff, and to do research and community engagement, as part of the transition to improve the development approvals process,” said B.C. government officials. “This funding will be especially beneficial for smaller local governments that may have fewer resources to make changes.”

You can see a list of each local government’s grant amount below.

More: Funding allocation per local government (B.C. government)

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