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HomeNewsTraffic signals being installed at Highway 3A and Baker Street

Traffic signals being installed at Highway 3A and Baker Street

New traffic signals will be installed at the Highway 3A and Baker Street intersection this summer. 

A news release from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure stated the project will replace the existing four-way stop with traffic signals with the intention to improve vehicle flow and make it safer and easier for pedestrians and cyclists to cross the intersection. Lighting and signage at the intersection will also be improved. 

“Upgrading the current four-way stop to a traffic signal will help traffic flow, improve safety for pedestrians and provide capacity for future growth in the Railtown area of the city of Nelson,” said Brittny Anderson, MLA for Nelson-Creston.

They also stated that landscaping and aesthetic elements will be included at the intersection to help create a more appealing entrance into the city.  

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“The addition of traffic lights and active transportation improvements at this key intersection will benefit Nelson residents and the many visitors to our beautiful city,” says Anderson.

The project was awarded a $3.1 million budget and is expected to be completed this fall.  

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