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HomeNewsNelson police honor second fallen officer

Nelson police honor second fallen officer

For the second time in a month police officers  from as far away as Alberta came to Nelson to honor a fallen colleague.

Cst. Mathieu Nolet was remembered at the Rod and Gun Club today.

Nolet, 28, lost his life after succumbing to his injuries in a Kelowna ICU after an avalanche critically injured him north of Kaslo.

Nelson mayor Janice Morrison says the service was very heartfelt for another extraordinary officer.

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“It was a beautiful celebration of his life,” she says. “It was beautifully done, for another young man who chose to call Nelson his home.”

Morrison says there was no shortage of memories that got shared in the service.

“There were wonderful comments,” Morrison says. “His mother, sister, and fiance spoke. A classmate also spoke from when they were at the police college in Calgary.

“They are all here which is a wonderful testament to what a great guy Nolet was”

She knows it will take time for all who knew Nolet to heal and grieve.

“This is a young man taken well before his time.”

Representatives from the Calgary police were in attendance as well as Nelson Fire.The avalanche also claimed the life of Nelson police detective Wade Tittemore Jan. 9.

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