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HomeNewsLocal business raises $1,000 for Nelson food bank

Local business raises $1,000 for Nelson food bank

Restaurants in the city have banded together to take part in Food for Change to help support the Nelson Food Bank.

Thor’s pizzeria owner Michael Garbula says the purpose of raising money was to help support the community and people who might need the extra help during the holiday season. 

“People need a leg up,” Garbula says. “Not everyone has someone to help them in life, whether it is just temporary, or on a permanent basis. Especially in today’s world it is hard for people, even if they  have someone in their lives.”

He says when Thor’s was presented with the opportunity to participate in the program, and help out the community, he eagerly accepted.. 

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“When I was approached through the Nelson burlesque group I jumped at the opportunity, “ he says. “Thor’s has always been community oriented and we will always support those who need it.”

Thor’s managed to raise $1,000 during a burlesque show at Finley’s Bar and Grill where Garbula promised every dollar donated to Thor’s during the show would be matched the next day and given to the Nelson Food Bank.

He says when he approached the organizer for the event about it they liked the idea.. 

“When I was at the burlesque show I asked them if it was OK to do this type of fundraiser,” he says. “She said it was a fantastic idea, and why wouldn’t they be OK with it? So I encouraged everyone to tuck money into the waistband of my skimpy shorts.”

He says they raised close to $500 on stage and topped it up to make it an even five hundred. 

Thor’s Pizza offers the ability for people to participate in a “pay it forward” program. Garbula says the program is pivotal, especially in today’s economy, where the cost of living is hitting everyone hard and most are struggling just to make ends meet.

“If you have the means to buy an extra slice, we can suspend it until someone needs it,” he says. “It follows the same principle as ‘take-a-penny, leave-a-penny.’  No matter what the reason, we have a slice to help.”

Thor’s pizza has been serving, and supporting, the community since 2001.   

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