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HomeElection 2022Better services needed, says Area G challenger Farrell Segall

Better services needed, says Area G challenger Farrell Segall

One Salmo village councillor has announced that he will not be running for re-election to council, but instead for director for Area G of the RDCK.

Farrell Segall explained in an interview with Vista Radio why he is not seeking another term as councillor. 

“I am a very community oriented person,” says Segall. “I feel that my hands have been tied to a large extent in what I can or cannot do.”

Segal feels that because he is an independent person it makes him take on projects that would be considered a conflict of interest on council.

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“I would be in a better position to help out my area if I wasn’t a council member.

“As a member of the public I can still attend council meetings and voice my concerns while asking questions.”

Segall is finishing up his first term in office after winning his seat in the last election with 305 votes.

As for his decision to run for regional director?

“I feel that Area G doesn’t get the amount of services that it needs, unlike other communities like Ymir.”

Segall says the lack of services is one of the primary reasons he wants to pursue candidacy. 

“Significant issues have been overlooked like transit which we don’t really have.

“I feel that is one area that RDCK hasn’t done anything in the past 20-30 years.”

With voting day less than two months away, Segall urges everyone to get out and cast your vote for your candidate.

“We really don’t want to have a repeat of the situation we just went through over the past two years, so get out and cast your vote.”

Segall will be running against longtime incumbent Hans Cunningham.

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