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HomeNewsDuhamel Creek resident not worried about flooding

Duhamel Creek resident not worried about flooding

Gary Hucal, a Duhamel Creek resident, has no intention of worrying after an evacuation alert was issued and then canceled this week.

“Last year was the only year I evacuated my home in 48 years, and even after that we were allowed to return the next day,” says Hucal.

This year’s evacuation alert which covered about 160 properties at Six Mile along Duhamel Creek was canceled, but there is still the potential for surprise storms, increased snowmelt, and general concerns about the state of an orphan dike on the creek itself.

“The dike needs to be replaced, not repaired,” says Hucal. The dike is only a few feet away from his property. He is more concered whether the dike will withstand any swift currents, or mudslides, if the situation becomes more severe.

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“When we hear about evacuations my wife keeps the bags packed, and I check the creek every day,” says Hucal.

Although Hucal isn’t concerned, his wife remains ready to leave at a moment’s notice.

Although the RDCK has removed the alert for now, the freshet season is not over. The RDCK is advising everyone in the region to remain vigilant and prepared should the alert be reactivated.

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