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HomeNewsWest Kootenay gas prices averaging 195.9 cents per litre

West Kootenay gas prices averaging 195.9 cents per litre

Gas prices in the West Kootenay/Boundary are mostly hovering around 195.9 cents per litre, although a couple of communities are appreciably more inexpensive.

According to, the cheapest fuel in the region is to be found in Kaslo, where the price is 179.9 to 182.9 cents, and Creston, at 189.9 cents.

But prices in local cities are all quite close: 193.7 to 195.9 cents per litre in Castlegar; 195.7 to 195.9 in Trail; and 195.9 in Nelson and Grand Forks.

Midway is a little higher at 196.9 and Greenwood is at 197.9.

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The most expensive gas in the region is in Rossland, which has cracked the $2 mark and sits at 201.9.

Economists blame rising prices on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

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