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HomeNewsWest Kootenay COVID-19 cases rise

West Kootenay COVID-19 cases rise

COVID-19 cases have been on the rise in the first week of August, with 129 infections reported in the West Kootenay.

According to data from the B.C. Centre for Disease Control, the Nelson area saw the single-highest case count with 74 between August 1st and 7th, followed by Castlegar with 30.

In the Arrow Lakes area, 11 new infections were reported throughout the week. The Trail and Grand Forks areas had the fewest new infections in the region, with ten and four respectively.

Just east of the Nelson, the Creston Valley area had 17 new COVID-19 infections.

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Interior Health’s vaccination campaign is ongoing, and more people have been receiving their shots.

Trail leads the region, as the area has 81% of its population 12 and older with at least one dose. Following close behind is Castlegar and Grand Forks sitting at 74% and 72% respectively. Nelson and the Arrow Lakes area are tied with 71% first dose vaccinations.

Meanwhile, Creston’s vaccination coverage remains the lowest in the region, with 63% of those 12 and older with one dose.

More: BCCDC COVID-19 information

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