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HomeNewsFairview to downtown bikeway now open in Nelson

Fairview to downtown bikeway now open in Nelson

Phase one of the City of Nelson’s Active Transportation Plan is now complete.

A two km, primary bike route has been built between Fairview and Downtown in Nelson which runs along Third Street and High Street. The City said it is a low-speed and low-traffic volume corridor for cyclists, pedestrians, and local vehicle traffic. This was made possible through a $424,510 fund through the BC Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants Program. The grant has also allowed the City to install a safe bike locker in the City Parkade on Vernon Street with room for 20 bicycles, including cargo e-bikes and 22 new bike racks in the downtown area.

(Supplied by the City of Nelson)
Youth Centre & Parkade Manager Jordan Martin shows the capacity for cargo e-bikes in the new secure bike parking facility at the City Parkade. (Supplied by the City of Nelson)

“Nelson-Creston MLA Brittny Anderson and I are excited for our government to be partnering with the City of Nelson to deliver this cycling route,” said Bowinn Ma, Minister of State for Infrastructure. “Enabling more environmentally and socially responsible modes of transportation like active travel is an incredibly important part of the work of building a sustainable transportation network that supports livable communities.”

According to Nelson City Council, it is important to invest in an active transportation network to lead to a healthier, sustainable, and equitable community.

“Statistic Canada data shows that 30% of Nelsonites commute by walking or cycling, which is one of the highest rates in the Province,” said Mayor John Dooley.  “We want to continue to be leaders in this area and increase this number even more. We can achieve these results through our partnership with the Province as we invest in key transportation networks to make roads safe and efficient for all users.”

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