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HomeNewsOne man dead following tractor-trailer crash in Trail

One man dead following tractor-trailer crash in Trail

One man is dead following a single-vehicle, tractor-trailer crash in Trail yesterday (July 29th).

Trail and Greater District RCMP responded to the incident at 6:16 p.m. on Highway 3B.

“A tractor-trailer unit was traveling westbound in the 60 km/hr zone in the 1900-block of Highway 3B when it suddenly veered across the oncoming lane and over the steep roadside bank while narrowly avoiding the concrete barricade,” said RCMP. “The unit came to rest on its side on the bank.”\

The Kootenay Boundary Regional Fire Rescue (KBRFR) was called to help extract the 52-year-old driver from the cab of the truck. KBRFR and emergency paramedics with BC Emergency Health Services said they attempted to revive the driver while transporting him to the local hospital, but the man was pronounced dead.

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Today, an environmental service extracted the fuel from the tractor-trailer unit and it is expected that a specialized tow truck will extract the wreckage today from the crash site,” said Sgt. Mike Wicentowich. “Emergency crews with both Trail RCMP and the Kootenay Boundary Fire Rescue are at the location overseeing the extraction operation.

The BC Coroner Service has been made aware of the crash and has launched its own concurrent fact-finding investigation. Due to the deceased’s privacy, as per the Coroners Act, his name will not be released.

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