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HomeNewsCity of Castlegar giving the community free composting

City of Castlegar giving the community free composting

The City of Castlegar will be doing the dirty work when it comes to handing out composting this year.

On Saturday, May 29th, the city will be hosting a drive-through, COVID-friendly compost pickup. From 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. residents can head over to the Pioneer Arena to pick up two bags of compost.

Last year the city delivered compost and in past years, people could pick up the compost at the Castlegar Garden and Nature Fest which unfortunately was canceled this year.

“The City’s compost giveaway is always popular and we expect even more interest this year with people planting more,” said Operations Manager, Michael Gagnier. “The rich, black compost is made from leaves, branches, and lawn clippings from our yard waste facility which are ground, windrow composted, and then screened, making great material for plants.”

The City of Castlegar released some benefits of composting.

  • Improves soil quality
    • Creates healthier plants
  • Saves money on fertilizer and mulch
  • Soil retains moisture
    • Requires less water
  • Adds nutrients
    • Slowly feeds plants
  • Reduces pests and diseases
  • Helps balance soil pH
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