The Regional District of Central Kootenay is looking for the help of the public in deciding what recreational facilities they would like to see built at Campbell Field.
“Campbell Field is a central location for many people in the RDCK,” said Walter Popoff, RDCK Area H Director. “The ability to satisfy the recreation needs of area residents is a great opportunity that we need to explore.”
Throughout the fall, the RDCK said they will be sending select homes throughout Castlegar, Nelson, and the various Electoral Areas a survey on potential indoor or outdoor recreation facility options. The RDCK said homes in Area E, F, and I will receive the survey, while those in the south of Area H will get the survey, as well as those in Bombi North for Area J. Community groups will also be receiving an email to collect their thoughts on the field.

“Campbell Field is situated between two of our valley schools, Brent Kennedy Elementary and Mount Sentinel School,” said Sharon Nazaroff, School District 8 Trustee. “Students from the entire valley and especially those within walking distance will have convenient access to any future recreation development of the site.”
The RDCK was gifted Campbell Field in 2016 by the South Slocan Sports Association. The Association had owned Campbell Field since the 1930’s when they acquired it from West Kootenay Power.