As winter approaches and slippery conditions are more likely to be seen on B.C.’s roads, winter tires and chains have become mandatory on highways as of October 1st.
For most roadways in the Southern Interior Region, the B.C. Government said winter or mud and snow tires are required until April 30th.
However, on some highways not located through mountain passes or high snowfall areas, tire and chain requirements are only required until March 31st.
RCMP officers may fine drivers and prevent them from driving if they do not comply with tire and chain regulations. Fines include:
- Passenger vehicles not equipped with winter tires when required – $121.
- Commercial vehicles not carrying chains when required – $196.
- Commercial vehicles bypassing an active chain-up area – $598.
The B.C. Government said that cities and municipalities may have their own rules and bylaws around winter tires, chains or other traction devices that may differ from provincial highway regulations.