As local businesses in Nelson close their doors, the Salvation Army Community Food Bank keeps theirs open.
COVID-19 has lead to many layoffs and dwindling services, which means income levels have dropped. In the coming weeks, or month, putting food on the table will be a concern for a growing number of people.
“What we are seeing right now is unprecedented,” says Lt. Michelle Cale of The Salvation Army’s Community Food Bank. “There is a rise in groups of individuals and families accessing services in our community, some for their first time.”
Cale adds, “We want our community to know we are all ready to support you with open access to service.”
According to Cale local food banks across the nation are able to keep up with demand, but that may soon change. She says it’s important, now more than ever, to support local food banks in order to accommodate a growing need.
“Supplies are reaching dangerously low levels for our local food banks,” says Cale.
To lend a hand, the following actions may be taken:
• Make non-perishable food donations: canned proteins, soup, vegetables/fruit/peanut butter/pasta & sauce/oatmeal/bottled water & juice boxes/granola bars/tea & coffee
• Make hygiene donations: soap (bar or liquid pump)/feminine products/toilet paper
• Drop off donations at The Salvation Army Monday, March 23 – Friday, March 27 from 10-5
(601 Vernon Street, former Thrift Store entrance) Donations will be shared among food banks.
• Call 250-352-9819 for information & contact-free pick-up’s (front porch/home entrances)
Cash donations are also an effective way to support local food banks, as they often have deals with local grocery stores to purchase food at reduced prices.