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Trudeau apologizes for wearing black or brown-face makeup on more than one occasion; Trudeau’s scandal making headlines around the world

Trudeau apologizes for wearing black or brown-face makeup on more than one occasion

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau says he deeply regrets wearing black or brown-face makeup on more than one occasion about 20 years ago.

There were at least three incidents, but Trudeau says he forgot about one of them, and never told Liberal scrutineers about any of them when he was being vetted as a candidate for the party years ago. He says he was simply too embarrassed. Overall, Trudeau says he deeply regrets what he did, calling it “terrible.”

Trudeau’s scandal making headlines around the world

Justin Trudeau’s brown-face scandal is making headlines around the world, with stories in top U.S. newspapers, CNN, Fox News as well as major British newspapers.

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The Irish Times says the first photo of Trudeau that surfaced Wednesday could harm his re-election chances. The headline in Britain’s Daily Mail tabloid reads “Trudeau Blackface Shame.”

Eight health groups want Ottawa to take urgent action on vaping

The Canadian Cancer Society, the Canadian Medical Association, the Canadian Lung Association and Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada want Ottawa to issue an interim order on vaping products and marketing.

They are among eight groups who say urgent action is needed to treat vaping like smoking because waiting any longer for regulations would only increase risk to Canadians.

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