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The Prime Minister says Nanaimo vote proves voters care about environment; 8 million Canadians unable to contact person when calling federal agencies

Trudeau says next P.M. will have to focus on climate change

The Prime Minister is echoing earlier reports that the latest election in B.C. shows voters care about the environment. CTV is reporting Justin Trudeau said Canadians will prioritize choosing a leader who is committed to climate action in October’s federal election. Voters in the Nanaimo riding on Vancouver Island elected Paul Manly of the Green Party.

Half of callers unable to contact federal agencies

An audit reports millions of people were unable to talk to a real person when calling federal agencies. According to the auditor general’s findings from 2017 to 2018, half of the 16 million callers to various agencies couldn’t get through. People inquiring about disability benefits, pensions and old age security were just some of the calls that were turned away.

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Only 15 % of Canadian business board positions filled by females

Well, it appears the fight for gender equality still has a ways to go in corporate Canada. CTV said new Statistics Canada study shows women fill just under 20 percent of seats on company boards of directors and more than half of boards are completely comprised of men. Almost 30 percent had just one woman with only 15 percent having more than one.

Meteor threat to Earth real says NASA

Apparently, the world has to take the threat of meteors more seriously. That’s according to NASA. Agencies are apparently testing out ways to defend against them with lasers and smashing space crafts into them to change their trajectory. The meteor that exploded over Russia in 2013 had 30 times more energy than an atomic bomb and was considered small.

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