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CleanBC a big step forward says Minister Mungall

Nelson-Creston MLA Michelle Mungall says as new mother and BC’s energy minister, she’s committed to addressing climate change. The provincial government recently released their CleanBC plan with some ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, for example, having every new car sold in BC a zero-emission vehicle by 2040. There’s also a program to make retrofits more affordable for home owners, Minister Mungall explains.

“There’s no one single solution. It has to be a broad solution looking at all different kinds of ways we emit greenhouse gas emissions. Another one for example is through our homes, and the lack of efficiency through our homes.”

One of the targets is to have every building constructed in BC “net-zero energy ready” by 2032, which means they will be so energy efficient they will be able to produce their own power.

Although BC has developed hydro power with 50 per cent of that coming from the Kootenay region, Minister Mungall says a lot of emissions don’t come from day to day electricity use, but from industry and travel. The Province also has some ideas on tackling that.

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“The upsteam oil and gas sector, we’re going to be reducing our methane emissions there. Also, by using a low carbon fuel standard and reducing the green house gas emissions that come out of the tail pipe and including more renewable biol fuels into our gasoline supply.”

As innovation heads in the direction of a clean future, Minister Mungall feels that the plan will also help the economy and sets up BC as a global leader.

More details on the costs of the plan are expected in February’s budget.

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