Increasing child care spaces on the Nelson-Castlegar corridor is something the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) has been examining. The Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute was hired to conduct a feasibility study that will now move into the second phase if further funding from the Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) is secured. Phase two will look at whether the Tarrys Community Hall can be used for this purpose and explore establishing an Area I Child Care Facility Contribution Service.
Area I Director Andy Davidoff says in the first phase of the project they explored how great the need was for child care spaces in the area.
“What the study has identified is that we are actually in a child care desert in the Nelson to Trail Corridor.”
The study’s finding even highlight that local families and child care providers describes it as a “child care crisis.”
The RDCK highlights that the project is timely as the creation of new child care spaces is a priority of the provincial government and local governments are being encouraged to participate. At the November 15 board meeting, staff were directed to proceed with the next stage of service planning, the Area I Child Care Support Service Phase Two Feasibility Study in the total amount of $20,000 subject to receiving a $10,000 funding commitment from CBT and with the RDCK portion to be paid from Area I Community Development Funds ($5,000) and Service 106 Feasibility Service Reserve ($5,000).
Currently, there is also interest in re-zoning a former Johova’s Witness Hall at 1051 Webb Road at the Playmor Junction to create a Day Care Centre with child care and family programs.  The second public hearing was held this week which Davidoff says brought out over 20 people who were both for and against. The minutes from the public hearing should be received by the Board on December 13. For more on this application, click here.