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HomeNewsKootenay NewsUpdate: Efforts underway to prevent breach in Salmo dike

Update: Efforts underway to prevent breach in Salmo dike

Mitigation efforts are underway in Salmo as Erie Creek levels rise. The whole village and some surrounding areas are still on evacuation alert as water levels may overflow the Salmo dike. An update from the Regional District of Central Kootenay Emergency Operations Centre says work is underway to prevent a potential breach. Crews have been reinforcing the dike as well as removing trees that could be undercut and swept into the creek.

EOC Director Andrew Bellerby says the best thing people can do right now is prepare themselves, their livestock, and pets in case of evacuation and to remain vigilant. Residents or visitors who are not physically able to evacuate themselves should contact the EOC.

Residents and visitors in the Village of Salmo and outlying areas have been issued an evacuation alert.

The Regional District of Central Kootenay took that step earlier today as water in Erie Creek is projected to rise later in the week. No evacuations are required at this time but the RDCK urges that those in the affected area prepare to leave on short notice.

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Anybody with livestock and pets should take measures to prepare their animals in case an evacuation is necessary.

RDCK Emergency Operations Centre director Andrew Bellerby says there’s concerns that the Salmo dike on Erie Creek could flood over the top or fail. He adds the dike is being assessed by engineers and the RDCK is working towards mitigation.

Extra sandbags have been ordered for any residents who may need to protect their property. They can be picked up at Village Office at 111 Main Street. There is limited supply so residents are asked to take only what they need.

If evacuation orders are necessary they will be issued by the RDCK’s Emergency Notification System as well as hand-delivered.

Click here to sign up for the notification system.

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