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HomeNewsKootenay NewsNakusp seeking public input on cannabis dispensaries

Nakusp seeking public input on cannabis dispensaries

There is still time to respond to the Village of Nakusp’s survey about cannabis dispensaries.

Mayor Karen Hamling says the village is preparing for recreational use and retail sales of cannabis to become legal this summer. They’re asking residents where and how cannabis shops should be rolled out, how many there should be and how far they should be from schools, parks and daycares.

The village has also taken steps to prepare its staff for legalization. Hamling says village council approved a change in its alcohol and drug policy to include cannabis. She says this is meant for the safety of staff and people around them. One of the main reasons for the change is to ensure staff aren’t using heavy machines or tools if impaired by cannabis.

Hamling says prescription use is ok as long as it doesn’t interfere with their work. She adds medicinal use will be treated the same as any other prescription.

The Federal Government is planning to legalize recreational use and retail sales of cannabis this summer.

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