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HomeNewsKootenay NewsCrews prepare for work around CP rail tracks on Hall Street

Crews prepare for work around CP rail tracks on Hall Street

Starting April 30th, work will be begin from the South side of the CP tracks to the intersection of Lakeside Drive on Hall Street. Crews will be boring under the CP tracks to complete underground infrastructure work.

The morning of April 30th, a construction zone will be established with traffic delineation, signage and fencing. That means the Cedar Street detour will be open to motorists who want to access Lakeside Drive from Front Street. A temporary predestine crossing on the east side of Hall Street will also be in place.

The City of Nelson says its committed in keeping traffic moving during this time and asks residents to continue to support business along Hall Street and Lakeside Drive.

Another part of the project is a new park space at the end of Hall Street near the Prestige Lakeside Resort. It includes Foreshore steps that lead into the lake. Concrete work on that is wrapping up this week.

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