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HomeNewsKootenay NewsShoreline clean ups planned for Earth Day

Shoreline clean ups planned for Earth Day

Spring cleaning isn’t just for inside your house. Part of this weekend’s Earth Day activities include two shoreline clean ups – one at Crawford Creek Beach on Saturday and one at Sandspit Beach in Kokanee Creek Park on Sunday. Nina Sylvester with Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society says one thing they want to bring awareness to is Styrofoam that gets into the lake from old docks.

At a past event, Sylvester says 60 volunteers collected 200 pounds of garbage from one kilometer of beach, most of which was Styrofoam. Sylvester says something new this year is participants are then challenged to make a piece of art work with the garbage they’ve collected, called the Trash to Art Challenge.

And there’s a $500 prize for the first place winner, which means there’s a bit of competition.

For details on how to register and learn more about the events, click here.


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