Some Kootenay Lake School District teachers are being taught life-saving skills that will be passed on to students.
The ACT (Advanced Coronary Treatment) Foundation’s High School CPR and Defibrillator Training Program is being held today at South Slocan’s Mount Sentinel Secondary School. Teachers from there and Nelson’s LV Rogers Secondary School are involved.
ACT’s executive director Sandra Clarke says they are teaching some important skills including CPR and how to use an Automated External Defibrillator.
Clarke says it’s important both teachers and students know these skills so they can use them if an emergency situation ever comes up. She says teachers will be learning what to do in the event of heart attacks. She says early CPR combined with early defibrillation can increase chances of surviving cardiac arrest by 75%.
She adds these skills will be transferred to 225 local students.
Clarke thanks the many local organizations who have helped with the event to donate mannequins and AED training units.
The ACT Foundation thanks those who helped make the event possible. This includes the set up and donation of CPR training mannequins, AED training units, from BC Emergency Health Services, AstraZeneca Canada, Amgen Canada, Sanofi Canada and Apex Geoscience Consulting, CIBC Wood Gundy Nelson, Kalesnikoff Lumber Co. Ltd., Kootenay Slocan Lions Club, L.V. Rogers Secondary School Parent Advisory Committee, Nelson & District Credit Union, RHC Insurance and the Rotary Club of Nelson.