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HomeNewsKootenay NewsResults are in from public feedback on cannabis legalization

Results are in from public feedback on cannabis legalization

A big agenda for the Nelson City Council meeting on Monday. Not only is city council expected to give first three readings to the 2018 budget, which includes a 2.5 per cent tax increase, they will hear the results of the public consultation on cannabis.

Staff will be presenting the findings from stake holder groups, information booths, and feedback forms which were distributed to every house hold and business in the city. In total, 5, 645 feedback forms were handed out with 1, 779 responses. 32 per cent of households and 27 per cent of businesses mailed back their forms.

Both businesses and the general public were in agreement on their top three concerns. Youth access to cannabis was the top concern with 804 responses or 18%. Public smoking and vaping of cannabis was the second highest concern  with 750 responses. Odours from cannabis smoking in public was third with 625 responses.

Monday’s presentation is just for information and no decisions will be made.


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