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HomeNewsKootenay NewsIIO investigation of Slocan Valley police shooting criticized for being too long

IIO investigation of Slocan Valley police shooting criticized for being too long

The BC RCMP’s deputy commissioner calls the protracted nature of the Independent Investigations Office’s review of a 2014 police shooting in the Slocan Valley “unacceptable”. Brenda Butterworth-Carr says she appreciates the challenges of the complex investigation and evidence collection but says the length of the investigation limited the ability of many to move forward.

She says she understands it was a complicated investigation and feels new leadership at the provincial level will help speed up future investigations. She’s confident investigations will be handled in a more timely manner in the future. She says this is due to new leadership at the provincial level.

She says the techniques used and the resulting time delays into the investigation of Slocan resident Peter de Groot’s death have impacted the ability for many involved with the case to move forward. On October 9 2014 de Groot fired a shot at officers who responded to an argument between him and another person and fled. He was found in a remote cabin by police October 13. He was shot and killed after allegedly drawing a firearm on an officer.

The IIO released it’s report Thursday. It claims the investigation was lengthy as they had to determine if excessive force was used.

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