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Overdose deaths up across our region and BC

The BC Coroners Service has released statistics regarding illicit drug overdose and Fentanyl-detected deaths last year.

Chief coroner Lisa LaPointe says 2017 had 43% more suspected overdose deaths in BC than 2016.

In the Kootenay-Boundary there were 14 illicit drug overdose deaths and 16 Fentanyl-detected deaths.

In 2016 there was 9 from illicit drug overdoses deaths and 4 related to Fentanyl.

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LaPointe says 2017 was the deadliest year for overdoses in our province’s history.

She adds Fentanyl is the main reason.

LaPointe says they’ll continue to work with the provincial government to help reduce stigma and increase awareness and support for those at risk.

She adds Fentanyl was combined with cocaine, heroin or methamphetamines in most instances where it was detected.

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