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HomeNewsKootenay NewsBurnt food forces evacuation of Nelson apartments

Burnt food forces evacuation of Nelson apartments

The Bevanne Apartments on Silica Street were partly evacuated last night after someone put food on the stove and then fell asleep.

Nelson Fire and Rescue responded to the call just before 9 p.m. and arrived to discover an evacuation in progress, and a “significant” amount of smoke on the main floor.

The food caught fire, filled the apartment with smoke, activating a smoke alarm heard by a neighbour who went to check it out.

In a news release, assistant chief Mike Daloise said the neighbour entered the apartment and attempted to clear the smoke and remove the occupant. Fortunately, the fire had not spread to the cabinets. The fire department helped remove the occupant from the apartment. She was assessed for smoke inhalation.

The fire department set up fans to exhaust the smoke from the hallways on the first and second floors, as well as the apartment where it originated. Occupants were temporarily displaced but soon able to return.

No one was injured.

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