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HomeNewsKootenay NewsLeafs sweep home and home with Spokane

Leafs sweep home and home with Spokane

In the KIJHL the Nelson Leafs won both ends of their home and home with the Spokane Braves.

In Nelson 3-1 Friday and 4-3 in the States Saturday

The Grand Forks Border Bruins started their road trip Friday in Golden with a 4-3 overtime win but took a 9-2 drubbing the next night from the Columbia Valley Rockies.

In Invermere Friday the Castlegar Rebels beat the Rockies 3-2 and took a 5-4 overtime win over the Kimberley Dynamiters Saturday.

And the Beaver Valley Nitehawks took a 1-0 loss to the Creston Valley Thunder Cats at home Friday but rebounded with a 4-2 triumph over the Fernie Ghostride

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