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Junior Dragons Den winners


May 8, 2016

Junior Dragons take the stage at Kootenay wide Championships!
Students from all over the Kootenay’s took the stage to compete in the Junior Dragons Den championship held at the Charles Bailey theatre last night, as part of Trail’s Silver City Days celebration! The event saw the winners from the East and West Kootenay regional competitions face off for $9000 in cash prizes, in a fast paced, fully interactive and entertaining live show format.

Competing in three different divisions, Junior (Grades 8-10), Senior (Grades 1112) and College/ University, competitors had 2 minutes to pitch to the judges, following the airing of a short promotional video which had been produced for the competition, highlighting their business or business concept.

“The Championship show was fantastic”, stated Don Freschi, GM at CFDC Greater Trail. “The students were very composed and practiced, and really managed the pressure of being on stage, in front of a live audience, exceptionally well”, stated Freschi.

The Junior Dragons Den Championship is the crowning achievement for the winners of the three regional qualifying competitions throughout the East and West Kootenay, which make up the Junior Dragons Den student business competition series.

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And the winners were:
Junior division (Grade 8-10)
1st- Will Watt, Firestove, Stanley Humphries Secondary
2nd place- Speedy Spouts, Bruno Hambalek, Mount Baker Secondary, Cranbrook, BC
3rd place – Avadrone, Aaron Finke and Peter Grant, J.L. Crowe, Trail, BC

Senior Division (Grade 1112)
1st place – EZ Light Tinder Blocks, Sam Zerrath, Cailan McQuair, Brianna McCoy, Bill Gao, Nakusp Secondary, Nakusp, BC
2nd place – Simply Fresh Bath & Body products, Vanessa Ford, Stanley Humphries Secondary, Castlegar, BC
3rd place – Rolly blade Tri-Flasher, Rennee Goodman, Abby Boswell, Cameron Olsen, Bryce Friedenberger, Nakusp Secondary, Nakusp, BC

College/ University Division
Black Dust Apparel, Nathan Staplin, College of the Rockies, Cranbrook, BC
Maxwell Nicholson, Craft Crate, University of Victoria, from Grandforks, BC
Jesse Chan- Stay Wrapped Guitar Products, Selkirk College, Nelson, BC

The prize money awarded to the winners must be used to expand an existing business, launch a new business, or go toward tuition for post secondary education.


For more information on Junior Dragons Den please  FB – Junior Dragons Den on FB
Contact:  John Reed, CFDC Greater Trail p 250 364 2595 c 250 368 1136

Junior Dragons’ Den is a partnership between CFDC Greater Trail, CFDC Central Kootenay, CFDC Boundary, CFDC Revelstoke and CFDC East Kootenay and sponsors. Community Futures fosters local entrepreneurs through all phases of business development from pre-start-up to expansion. CFDC offers entrepreneurial programs and training, business counselling, loan programs and a business library of resource material to people interested in expanding or starting a business; and promotes, co-ordinates and implements a wide variety of community economic development initiatives within the region.

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