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HomeNewsKootenay NewsHave you seen Tyler?

Have you seen Tyler?

Submitted media release from RCMP
Nelson RCMP is requesting the public’s assistance in locating Tyler SHERIFF, age 28.
He was last seen on April 16th, 2014 at the Hwy 3A and 6 Junction in South Slocan, BC, with the intention of hitch-hiking to Nelson, BC.
He is approx. 5’7″, 145 lbs, has brown hair, and was last wearing a long blue/green coat with a camouflage hoodie underneath.
Tyler is missing his two front teeth.
Attached is a photograph from several years ago.
Please note that he currently has a moustache and beard.
Anyone who has any information or who sees Tyler SHERIFF is asked to call either Nelson Police Department (354-3919) or Nelson RCMP (325-2156) immediately.
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